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As one of the most popular ADC champions in League of Legends, Lucian, also known as the Purifier, has been dominating the Rift for quite some time. However, in the realm of professional play, there is another marksman that can also bring tremendous impact in the game - Graves, also known as the Outlaw, or in this case, the Male Shooter.

Graves, as a champion, can be deceptively strong and versatile, with a kit that allows him to play aggressively or defensively. His main strength lies in his passive, True Grit, which grants him bonus armor every second after he deals damage to an enemy unit, stacking up to four times. This makes him incredibly durable in prolonged trades, especially against other ADCs who lack such sustain.

Graves' Q, End of the Line, is a skill shot that deals physical damage to all enemies in a straight line, and deals increased damage if it hits only one target. This ability is key to Graves' waveclear, as well as his burst potential, when he can combo it with other abilities.

His W, Smoke Screen, creates a smokescreen that provides vision denial and slows all enemies within its area of effect. This ability is extremely useful in teamfights, as it can obscure the enemy carry's vision and slow them down, while also reducing their accuracy in landing skill shots or basic attacks.

Graves' E, Quickdraw, is what makes him incredibly mobile and hard to pin down. Upon activation, he dashes in a target direction, gaining bonus attack speed and reloading one shell of his auto-attack. Additionally, if he collides with an enemy champion during the dash, the cooldown of Quickdraw is instantly refunded. This allows Graves to not only initiate fights, but also escape from dangerous situations, all while dealing significant damage.

Finally, Graves' ultimate, Collateral Damage, fires a massive shell that deals physical damage to all enemies in a cone, with increased damage to enemies hit closest to Graves. This ability is incredibly potent in teamfights, as it allows Graves to deal massive AoE damage and finish off low health targets, all while staying at a safe distance.

So how do we play Graves to his fullest potential? The answer lies in his playstyle - Graves is all about playing aggressive and punishing the enemy for mistakes. With his True Grit passive, he can afford to take trades with the enemy ADC, and potentially come out on top due to his sustain. In lane, we want to focus on poking the enemies with our auto-attacks, and using End of the Line to harass them under tower or when they try to farm. Additionally, we want to make use of Smoke Screen to obscure vision and deny enemy skillshots, making it easier for our support to engage or disengage.

When it comes to teamfights, Graves can play both a front line and back line role, depending on the situation. With his E, Quickdraw, he can weave in and out of the fight, constantly dealing damage and reloading his shotgun. If we have a tank on our team, we can use them as a meat shield and stay behind them, firing off our Collateral Damage when the enemy team clumps up. On the other hand, if we have an aggressive initiator like a Jarvan or Malphite, we can use our E to follow up on their engage and deal massive damage to their backline carries.


Overall, Graves is a versatile champion that can fit into virtually any team composition, and can bring significant impact in both the early and late game. With his True Grit passive, mobility, and AoE damage, he is a force to be reckoned with on the Rift, and should not be underestimated.

As a wise hero once said, "Justice ain't gonna dispense itself." So pick up Graves, the Male Shooter, and show the enemy team what real marksmanship looks like!